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/ SunSoft Catalyst CDWARE 1996 May to August / Catalyst CDWARE 1996 May to August.iso / .products / Amerinex_AI / vtutor / images / lect5.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1996-02-09  |  14KB  |  939x713  |  4-bit (6 colors)
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OCR: Lab Guide Lesson Arode During crsin preccdurc, the rigin rthe slrucluring clmeal is positi eucd pixc 1 the imagc slrucluring clcocol cells tbal lurocd comparcd with the COIICS poodiog pixclio the Erosion image. cvery -ZCIO structuring clcncal corrcspoads -ZC10 inagc pixcl tbco the structur: clencal iis wilhio the Icgien aod the Erosion is the morpholo gical trans formation pixcl corrcsponding imagc oulpul that com ines two sets using vector subtraction Frosien The lormalion which conbiocs two of set elements sCts usiog vecler subtract 100 clcmcals Structurins Llement Image Image Structuring Element Weickr Binary ant PICOSATJE Morph 1993 Alll Rights Reserved origin clencot positioncd ever apixcl structuriag conparcd corrcspoodiog pixclin inage zCrO correspoods strucluriog clcoicol rits wilb ...